Daily military operations have contaminated the water on and around bases across the United States for decades, affecting service members and their families, as well as the surrounding communities.

Veterans and families suffering from years of health problems are speaking out.

Lita Hyland is a military wife who lived on three contaminated bases with her husband and family. She met reporter Adrienne St. Clair at “Operation Stand Together” in Washington, D.C., an event addressing toxic contamination on military bases. She’s fought for this cause for nearly 20 years.

To see the full News21 report on “Troubled Water,” go to troubledwater.news21.com on Aug. 14.


Lita Hyland attended an event called “Operation Stand Together,” in Washington, D.C., where she joined with veterans and families affected by water contamination on military bases across the country. (Photo by Adrienne St. Clair/News21)


Veterans and families from every military branch gathered at the base of the Washington Monument in D.C., to rally against decades of toxic contamination on hundreds of U.S. military bases. (Photo by Adrienne St. Clair/News21)